Our Purpose:
- To encourage the dissemination of ideas between young men of various backgrounds.
- To encourage the acquisition of organizational abilities, businessacumen, and leadership abilities by its members.
- To encourage the development of social graces by its members.
- To encourage scholastic achievement.
- To encourage civic participation.
- To encourage purposeful and constructive education periods.

Why Gamma Psi
No doubt many impressions of fraternities are formed from media events that are uncharacteristic with the traditional Gamma Psi man. Often, terms used to describe chapters of college fraternities sounds more like those used to describe big business; i.e.: expensive, cold, uncaring and back stabbing. This occurs when fraternities grow beyond their aim and lose sight of their goals. For those that think bigger is best then Gamma Psi is not for you.
It’s been said if you live your whole life and have one person that you have been able to call a good friend, you have indeed been richly blessed. With that in mind, how could anyone conceive that a chapter with 30 to 40 or 100 “active” brothers can provide an atmosphere where a lasting relationship can be nurtured? Doesn’t a smaller group of compatible people working together, helping each other through those tough times in school, caring and sharing the good with the bad, offer many more possibilities of forming the type of relationships (we call brotherhood) than those where after four years a yearbook is needed to recognize your brothers?
Of course large fraternities with great treasuries can do large things, but what does it do for that individual member that has a problem and needs someone that cares? Gamma’s approach to the ideal, “fraternity” is that we’d rather not sacrifice what someone should be looking for in a fraternity for the largest or nicest home in “Fraternity Row.” We believe that brotherhood based on honesty, the simplest of all virtues, will provide for the individual brother, as well as the membership in general, what all fraternities say they each possess.
Although relatively young on the college scene, our history and traditions date back to 1879, In Richmond, tri-cities and surrounding counties we estimate 2000 men have been inducted into some level of Gamma since the mid-1960. Although small, Gamma Psi Fraternity is international with our brotherhood reaching into our neighbor to the north, Canada.
We do not have the most expensive emblems of membership, the highest dues, the largest enrollment, or even treasuries that stagger the imagination. We might just offer the right man a dozen or so guys with the same hopes and dreams of achieving in college, as in life, lasting relationships forged the only way it can be done, through working at it.
We feel that when looking back on your days in college, you will fondly remember the brothers of Gamma Psi as your family. If in the future, you decided to call each of them on the spur of the moment, you would not have to worry about having been forgotten. We believe “ONCE A BROTHER, ALWAYS A BROTHER.” However, if you decide to become a Brother of Gamma, remember this old, worn out cliché, “You only get out of it what you put into it.” We hope that our brotherhood and sincerity will be attractive to those of you that hold fraternal life in high esteem.
By Grand Brother #1 Danny Wyatt